This is probably my favourite warning written on a CD. It’s a CD by Rango, a Cairo-based band who play music that originated in Sudan, using a “190-year-old rango xylophone with spirit-manifesting gourd resonators”.
The back of the CD says “No chickens were harmed and no malevolent spirits manifested during the making of this album.” And “Illegal file sharing and unscrupulous downloading will, on the balance of probability, jeopardise your future enjoyment of Rango and enrage the Sudani spirits & other entities that reside in the vintage gourd resonators. Do it at your own risk. We did warn you.”
That is classic.
My ‘Backless Special’ guitar is made of wood taken from the woodshed at the back of our old house, it’s probably full of spiritual resonances too. So be careful if you file-share Turkby songs too, OK?
The BTE is putting the finishing touches on the Summon Forth the Mangonel album this month and next. Like a particularly difficult childbirth, we’ll all be looking forward to having it out in the world instead of kicking in our guts all the time. It will be the most beautiful album in the world to us, but you might think it’s a bit ugly. Be gentle with us, the gestation has been long and we’re all on edge. Seriously though, you better like it or else Jim K will be mad.
See you at the Jousting on the weekend.
Many pieces of love to you.
The back of the CD says “No chickens were harmed and no malevolent spirits manifested during the making of this album.” And “Illegal file sharing and unscrupulous downloading will, on the balance of probability, jeopardise your future enjoyment of Rango and enrage the Sudani spirits & other entities that reside in the vintage gourd resonators. Do it at your own risk. We did warn you.”
That is classic.
My ‘Backless Special’ guitar is made of wood taken from the woodshed at the back of our old house, it’s probably full of spiritual resonances too. So be careful if you file-share Turkby songs too, OK?
The BTE is putting the finishing touches on the Summon Forth the Mangonel album this month and next. Like a particularly difficult childbirth, we’ll all be looking forward to having it out in the world instead of kicking in our guts all the time. It will be the most beautiful album in the world to us, but you might think it’s a bit ugly. Be gentle with us, the gestation has been long and we’re all on edge. Seriously though, you better like it or else Jim K will be mad.
See you at the Jousting on the weekend.
Many pieces of love to you.