Monday, February 14, 2011

'Rango' CD warning

This is probably my favourite warning written on a CD. It’s a CD by Rango, a Cairo-based band who play music that originated in Sudan, using a “190-year-old rango xylophone with spirit-manifesting gourd resonators”.

The back of the CD says “No chickens were harmed and no malevolent spirits manifested during the making of this album.” And “Illegal file sharing and unscrupulous downloading will, on the balance of probability, jeopardise your future enjoyment of Rango and enrage the Sudani spirits & other entities that reside in the vintage gourd resonators. Do it at your own risk. We did warn you.”

That is classic.

My ‘Backless Special’ guitar is made of wood taken from the woodshed at the back of our old house, it’s probably full of spiritual resonances too. So be careful if you file-share Turkby songs too, OK?

The BTE is putting the finishing touches on the Summon Forth the Mangonel album this month and next. Like a particularly difficult childbirth, we’ll all be looking forward to having it out in the world instead of kicking in our guts all the time. It will be the most beautiful album in the world to us, but you might think it’s a bit ugly. Be gentle with us, the gestation has been long and we’re all on edge. Seriously though, you better like it or else Jim K will be mad.

See you at the Jousting on the weekend.

Many pieces of love to you.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lost in trans-Tasman translation

Sometimes Australian English can leave you with the wrong impression.
I've just seen an old Heath Ledger movie described thusly:
"If you want Goodfellas in thongs, see Two Hands!"
Now I haven't seen this movie but I assume they're wearing trousers for most of it, so you can't tell if they're wearing thongs or big ol' grundies.
Or maybe not...?
PS. We had an awesome gig in the Square last week.
You can see some photos on Faceplantbook.
I'll ask TurkbyTone Rekkids' Tech dept to make a link, I can't figure that stuff out...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wind sculpture in Palmy

A lot of people get windshitty when the weather is gusty, but there's at least one thing which enjoys it: this wind sculpture between the City Library and the Convention Centre.
It's called United-Divided, and was made by Phil Price.
I was waiting outside the Convention Centre and thought I'd try out the video capture on my new (cheap) phone. Results: nicely average.

Bing doesn't cheat - he does his own work

There have been some crazy things written about Bing Turkby over the years, but I just saw this and it made me a little angry:
"Google has run a sting operation that it says proves Bing has been watching what people search for on Google, the sites they select from Google's results, then uses that information to improve Bing's own search listings. Bing doesn't deny this."
Well, in fact I DO deny this. I have never copied Google and used it's information as my own, and I always give credit when I use someone else's work.
So I refute Google's assertion, but it appears they've confused me with some upstart company (Microsop or something) that is using my name! . So I think they might be the real target of Google's wrath. Looks like Jim K's gonna have to call in the lawyers and ask them to desist from using the name Bing.

See the original article at
(See, I do give credit where it's due...)